CTE Dual Credit

Napavine uses PC3 Connect to give students free college credit. Check out the link below to get information on credits and how to order a transcript.


Credits  School                   HS Class                College                 College Class

5             Napavine             Art                          Clover Park         Art, Design and Visual Thinking [GTC 110]

5              Napavine             Art/Comp Sci      Clover Park         Art, Design, and Visual Thinking

6              Napavine             Carp                       Clover Park         Basic Carpentry Skills

1              Napavine             Weld 4                  Bates                     Brazing and Soldering

3              Napavine             Spanish 1 or 2    Clover Park         Business Communications

3              Napavine             Spanish 1 or 2    Clover Park         Business Communications [RBM 111)

4              Napavine             Woods                  Bates                     Cabinet/Millwork I [ARWC 104]

12           Napavine             Carp                       Bates                     Carpentry [CARPT 101-104]

5              Napavine             Weld 5                 Bates                     Conventional Machining

2              Napavine             Biology                 Pierce College    CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer

5              Napavine             Physics                 Pierce College    Electronic Business Math

5              Napavine             Graphic Des        Pierce College    Creative Sales and Customer Relationship

6              Napavine             Culinary 1            Bates                     Culinary Arts I [CARTS 101]

2              Napavine             Culinary 2            Bates                     Culinary Arts II [CARTS 106]

5              Napavine             Vis Comm 1/2    Clover Park         Digital Imaging I Adobe Photoshop

4              Napavine             Vis Comm 1/2    Clover Park         Digital Photography [DED 110]

5              Napavine             Jour/Graphic D  Clover Park         Electronic Publishing and Layout/Graphic

5              Napavine             Journalism          Clover Park         Elect Pub and Layout/Graphic Design [GTC 143]

5              Napavine             Earth Space        Clover Park         Introduction to Soils

2              Napavine             Weld 2                  Bates                     Introduction to Welding [WELD 103]

5              Napavine             Weld 5                  Clover Park         Introduction to Welding [WLD 106]

4              Napavine             Health                   Clover Park         Nutrition and Wellness

4              Napavine             Env Biology         Clover Park         Orientation to Environmental Science [ENV 141]

3              Napavine             Weld 3                  Bates                     Oxy-Acetylene Cutting/Welding [WELD 104]

7              Napavine             Weld 3                  Clover Park         Oxy-Acetylene Cutting/Welding [WLD: 110, 112]

5              Napavine             Sm Eng                 Bates     Power Sports & Equipment Maint [POW 102]

3              Napavine             Sm Eng                 Bates     Power Sports & Equipment Tools and Equip POW 101]

5              Napavine             Weld 5                  Bates     Shielded Metal Arc Welding [WELD 105]

8              Napavine             Weld 1 or 2         Bates     Welding Basics [WBAS 101]

3              Napavine             Fin Alg                   Bates     Electronic Business Math

5             Napavine             Computer Sci     Bates     Computer Application Essentials


Typical High School Students Scenario (Johnny Napavine)

9th Grade             Earth Space Science- 10 credits total. 5 per sem

                                Ag Mechanics Beginning- 4 Credits (Woods)

                                Health- 4 credits

                                Visual Communications- 5 credits

10th Grade           Environmental Biology- 4 credits

                                Adv Ag Mech Semester 1 Weld 1- 8 Credits

                                Visual Communications 2- 4 credits (Sem 1)

                                Culinary 1- 6 credits (Sem 2)

                                Adv Ag Mech Semester 2- Weld 2- 2 credits

11th Grade           Chemistry- 2 credits

                                Adv Ag Mech Semester 1- Weld 3- 10 credits

                                Adv Ag Mech Semester 2- Weld 4- 1 credit

                                Culinary 2- 2 credits (Sem 1)

                                Spanish 1- 3 credits

                                Art 1- 5 credits

12th Grade           Physics- 2 credits

                                Adv Ag Mech- Weld 5- 10 credits (Sem 1)

                                Adv Ag Mech- Small Engines- 8 credits (Sem 2)

                                Spanish 2- 3 credits

                                Art 2- 5 credits

                                Journalism- 5 Credits

Total High School Dual Credits-  103 College Credits