Library-Media Center
Free E-book Resources!!!
Check the links below to explore e-book and audio book resources that can help keep you reading during the Hybrid/Remote Learning Schedule.
29 Best Websites to Download Free E-Books
Project Gutenberg Top 100 Lists
What a school thinks about it's library is a measure of what it feels about education."
~ Harold Howe
The library-media center offers a variety of books, reference material, resources, newspapers, and magazines to enrich your educational experiences. In addition, the center is home to the college & career information center and the computer lab. It's a great place to be!
During regularly scheduled classes, students will need a pass from their teacher to visit the library and lab. Teachers will often work with the librarian to schedule class time in the computer lab which conveniently offers a teaching laptop/projector station as well. Students that are fully remote are encouraged to visit the library, as well. Remote students can email Mrs. Green to schedule a time to come in to the library.
Library use is scheduled through the librarian for any extra-curricular events or group meetings. If you are interested in using the space, please call the high school office who will help coordinate this for you. (360) 262-3301.
Library/Technology Support:
Mollie Olson
(360) 262-3301
ext. 2225
Hours of Operation:
8:00am - 3:30pm
*regular school days
Napavine Jr./Sr. High School Library-Media Center Expectations
R ESPONSIBLE – You are responsible for your actions! Respect yourself and others.
E FFORT – The work you put out is directly related to the effort you put in! Enjoy learning.
S UCCESS – Expect success!
P URPOSE – Come with a purpose, leave with results! Use your time wisely.
E STABLISH – Establish good study habits!
C ONTRIBUTION – What is your contribution today? How can you make a difference for yourself or others?
T RY – Try something new. Try something different. Try a new perspective. Try, Try again!
A Place to Seek and Explore...
It's a Place to Dream.
It's a Place to Discover...
A Place to Care, Share, and Smile.
A Place to Aspire and Inspire...
A Place to Believe.
A Place to Think and Imagine...
It's a Place to Browse, Reflect and Peruse.
This is a Place to Begin and Succeed!
Don't forget your student G-Mail accounts. Your email address is made up of the following pattern:
example --
Need Password Help? See Mrs. Prather in the Library or Mrs. Barton in the High School Office.